Walking the Dunes of Maspalomas

A few weeks back I was called out of standby for a massively delayed flight towards Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. It was one of those days where winter crash landed leaving everyone unpleasantly surprised especially aviation and especially aviation at the international airport of Berlin which can struggle with a normal operation even on average summer day.

Because we were going to depart in the very late afternoon we were planned to overnight on the island of Gran Canaria and take the aircraft back the next day after legal rest requirements. Knowing this in advance gave me the opportunity to fill up my travel bag with some spare batteries and two lenses for my Fujifilm XT-5. I recently acquired the XF18/1.4 and I thought that it is a good opportunity to give this lens its` first real world shoot out.

I headed to the airport and eventually departed to Las Palmas with what was something like a seven hours delay for the poor passengers. We arrived at the hotel by ten in the evening and I set the mission for the next morning: photographing the dunes of Maspalomas at sunrise, a place I had visited a few times in my life more than twenty years ago. Enough self assignment.

I arrived at Playa des Ingles well before sunset, the horizon just turned a bit purple and I was more or less the only one at the beach. The plan was wo walk at the beach, then when the sun peaks above the horizon, cross the dunes all the way to the Faro de Maspalomas, a picturesque lighthouse.

Long story short: Goosebumps, excitement, joy and happiness. Definitely one of the best journeys I did in 2023.

Enough said. Leave a comment below or hit me up through Instagram or Threats (yes, no pun).

Enjoy :-)


Nothing Leica healthy relationship pt.2


Self assignments