Self assignments

Guys, if you only know how often I was planning another blog post in the last months… It’s incredibly difficult after a long break to get back in the saddle but here I am.

I’m off Instagram at the moment and it feels good however I miss the outlet that it certainly is. On the other hand and more important I am doing much better finding inspiration outside of it. I signed up for some newsletters and bookmarked a few website of photographers I like. I was pretty close to deleting my homepage but having no outlet at all anymore seems odd as well. But what’s a blog if one ain’t blogging?

So here I am keeping myself busy with self assignments. Since there’s no more algorithm I need to tackle, I am creating some other challenges. Why would anyone just go out photographing to have fun? Only weirdos do that…No pain, no gain. Or as they say in Italy, Molto piano, mucho Gianni. Would do I know.

Speaking of Italy. I have been to Milan recently (and way too regularly) and since our crew hotel is in the creepiest outskirts of the city you have to go to the centre unless you fancy shooting some heroin with the other guys at the train station. On that trip I also tried out my new (highly advertised brand by every YouTuber, famous for their clips, tripods, etc) backpack and checked how much I can fit in there. More than in the Christmas turkey that I am preparing parallel as of writing this, I can tell! When I arrived in the hotel, it was already dark. I had one camera and four lenses with me for a two hour trip through the heart of Milan. Useless, but good to know that everything fits in my new bag…I decided to take only the XF35/1.4 with me and set the camera to jpeg only, created a quick and dirty recipe that represented my grinch-ish Christmas feeling through a very gritty look. Self assignment announced, challenge accepted.

I came home with a few nice photos and a lot of shit. But that’s the way it is. enjoy the photos and leave a comment if you want to. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and all that other good stuff that you might wanna have!

And by the way: I decided to get back onto the gram. Gotta pitch this somehow.

No not really…


Walking the Dunes of Maspalomas


Nothing Leica healthy relationship pt.1